
I am overwhelmed by her.

She gives me anything and everything I ever Desire without deserving it.

She is unmerited and undeserved,

She gives me unlimited access to doors I Wasn’t suppose to have clearance to.

I embrace her,

And invite her in,

But to express her with words is simply Perplexing.

All I can do is sit there and listen to her beating  Inside me.

I feel her.

She’s like oxygen, you breathe in and out. Running from mind to soul.

Leaping from vessel to vessel.

I feel her inject my lips, my mouth tingles with Sparks.

The sensational agony enslaves me,

Feeling her racing round my body in impulses.

I see her.

Her inner beauty.

Her pure poisonous self,

Is the cure,

So be sure,

To respect her.

I know her.

Her thoughts like mine,

Mine like hers,

Intertwine body and soul,

Embedded via vision and mind.

Emotionally detached but attached.

Divided at times but forever united.

I require her.

I’m in a strangers body.

My body and hers not yet intertwined,

As she’s a visitor in her own home.

I need to have her first before I am able to Share her.

We must become one,

Before we invite them into our home.

I love her.

Her Broken self,

Her insecurities like line of weakness but when Fitted with my strengths and security we Become unbroken.

We are inwoven by our love,

The lines of weakness are no more.

I want her.

She’s hard to obtain.

We start of vain with a lot to gain,

It’s not easy to explain but she makes me Sane.

I can’t complain. She’s can be as addictive as Cocaine,

To restrain from her isn’t easy to maintain as

You hunger for more,

Again and again.

Why is she’s so sweet like plantain?

The iron you gain is insane.

The iron stain,

Marking her domain.