Journey Through the unknown

Journey Through the unknown
Photo by Gabriel / Unsplash

My heart is a vast container,

A sea of emotions that flows,

I must allow it to express,

But not let it consume me whole.

Like a rocket soaring into space,

My infatuation takes flight,

Breaking through the atmosphere,

Now floating in the endless night.

Relationships can be like Mars,

An unknown atmosphere to explore,

The gravity can pull you down,

But logic can help you to soar.

Just like a vacuum,

it can suck you in,

And make it hard to break free,

But with love as our guiding force,

We can navigate the unknown sea.

So let us journey together,

Through the ups and downs of life,

Exploring the uncharted territories,

As we navigate this unknown strife.

And when we reach the end of our journey,

We'll find that our love has grown,

Like a rocket that's reached its destination,

And found a place to call its own.