Letter To An Aussie

Letter To An Aussie

G’day mate,
What’s the haps?

It’s been a while since we’ve seen eye to eye. Exactly 163 days .
Your absence is felt.
No longer with us,
But united again, we wait for your return.
Till we meet again.

For our birthday, you were gone,
Memories of the past I held on to.

I apologize for the wrong I’ve done,
Letting you fight those battles alone.

I see you, I appreciate you. I’m proud of you.
Gone to a faraway land, I wish I could join you at.
But for now, it’s here I reside.

Remember to love yourself.
All of you. The bad and the good.
Christ loves you for you, and I guess I do too.

Alrighty mate, hooroo!