
Black Men Cry Too.
They say men don’t cry.I guess men are only programmed to express anger and happiness.Any sign of tears is a sign of weakness.Men can not be weak, we are not allowed to express upset.The man that cry has a cancerous cell,a malfunction in the
Journey Through the unknown
My heart is a vast container, A sea of emotions that flows, I must allow it to express, But not let it consume me whole. Like a rocket soaring into space, My infatuation takes flight, Breaking through the atmosphere, Now floating in the endless night. Relationships can be like Mars,
i’m alone.Just my thoughts and i.Alone in our noise.The silence begins to slowly pierce my ears.Echo of pain.The silences grows louder and louder.My thoughts begin to fade.No longer my thoughts and i.Just me. The sense of lost wraps around me.i
Air It Out
Air it out! I rather keep it in. Too much doubt of letting it out. Inwardly I shout. But no air comes out. Air it out! Too afraid no one will understand. Unable to expand to someone that hasn’t faced it first hand, But wait let me land! Inwardly
Together, Alone
We all fight our demons alone, together. Fighting the invisible enemy. Silent wars. Loud battles. Battles lost, battles won. The silent assassin lingers in the air. Surrounds you before the ambush. Deceives some that he isn’t real. What can’t be seen, surely can’t be real? Until it’
Diary of a Black Man
Dear Diary, Another day, another dollar. Another bullet, another soul. Just another day. My name is Anuoluwa. Don’t call me AO. A name given by the Almighty. A name beyond a call or identification. A name with a calling of destination. It’s more than a name. Anuoluwa, God’
Past No Longer Present
Fragment of the heart gone. Taken by the soul, once loved. Thoughts inhale sweet past, Thoughts exhale sour present. Presence forever absent. Tears fall remembering, Past no longer present. Memories linger, of the soul once loved. Written Piece by Josa Osa-Oni.
I am overwhelmed by her. She gives me anything and everything I ever Desire without deserving it. She is unmerited and undeserved, She gives me unlimited access to doors I Wasn’t suppose to have clearance to. I embrace her, And invite her in, But to express her with words
An Unfinished Letter
Hey Father,It’s me again. Josa. You know I love You but I struggle to read Your biography. I don’t know what’swrong with me. Laziness? Lack of discipline? Only You know.They say knowledge is power. They forgot to mention it’s not just power for
Twenty Twenty
Twenty twenty. What a season. This TV show we call life truly brought a teasing. Praises to The Most High. Our vision impaired but with Christ, vision appeared. In this years’ class I’ve learned to appreciate time. “Time is precious so wasteit wisely”. Twenty twenty I was the