Twenty Twenty

Twenty Twenty
Photo by Richard Sagredo / Unsplash

Twenty twenty. What a season. This TV show we call life truly brought a teasing.

Praises to The Most High. Our vision impaired but with Christ, vision appeared.

In this years’ class I’ve learned to appreciate time. “Time is precious so waste it wisely”.

Twenty twenty I was the caterpillar. Everything surrounding me, children screaming, adults adjusting, black lives falling. I can’t breathe. I want to be free. But like the caterpillar, I’m trapped. Can’t go anywhere but to stay at home.

Twenty twenty, cocoon season, we were locked down in our cocoon - self isolated from society. A place where we grew in size; for some of us that was physically but for majority of us that was mentally and spiritually. Coming to the end of 2020 on surface level I’ve been okay. However, when we go beneath the surface level, I’ve been uncomfortable, and I’ve only just realised it’s because I’m coming out of my cocoon. I’ve grown, I’ve evolved and I’m ready to spread my wings.

2021, Butterfly season. It’s filled with blessings, with goals ready to be achieved, accomplished, and conquered. Let’s learn from the lessons given to us - unprovoked I must admit but we most move forward and upwards.

Know your why to achieve your meaning. No two butterflies are the same so get off your feet and choose to fly!

Written Piece by                                                                                                                     Josa Osa-Oni

Choose to Fly!